Student life

Campus Flemingsberg is Sweden’s eighth largest campus with around 19.000 students, where you can read everything from medicine and healthcare to finance, law, political science, engineering, music and journalism. But what’s it really like to be a student at Campus Flemingsberg? Get the inside track from students right here.

KTH: What’s it like studying in Flemingsberg?

Milan studies Computer Technology, (180 credits), at KTH Flemingsberg and talks in an interview on the the Student Blog about the advantages of a smaller campus. You can also contact him with your own questions.

The Swedish Red Cross University: “I’m learning how irreplaceable nurses are.”

Corinne Gunnarsson moved 600 kilometres to take her nursing course here. Her grandmother, father and sister all worked for the Red Cross – so her choice of university was a no-brainer. Read our interview with Corinne.

SMI: Interview with two students

David is in his third year of a bachelor’s degree specialising in double bass and electric bass. Jovana is in her second year as a cultural school teacher specialising in the flute.

KTH: Hur är det att plugga i Flemingsberg?

Milan läser Datateknik 180 hp på KTH Flemingsberg och berättar i en intervju på Studentbloggen om fördelarna med ett mindre campus. Du kan också kontakta honom med dina frågor.

Röda Korsets Högskola: ”Jag lär mig hur oersättliga sjuksköterskor är”

Corinne Gunnarsson flyttade 60 mil för att gå Sjuksköterskeprogrammet. Farmor, pappa och syster har jobbat inom Röda Korset – valet av skola var enkelt. Läs en intervju med Corinne.

SMI: Intervju med två studenter

David läser tredje året till kandidatexamen med kontrabas och elbas som profil. Jovana läser andra året till kulturskolepedagog med tvärflöjt som profil.