Facilities and research infrastructures

Are you looking for a place to grow – office space, laboratories, research facilities or research infrastructure?

Conducting research and education at the highest level requires a combination of resources, personnel, approaches and equipment. In Flemingsberg, you have access to offices, labs and various research infrastructures. If you want to be part of this – contact us today!

ANA Futura

ANA Futura is a leading translational integrated research environment equipped for cutting-edge research that brings down the boundaries between institutions and clinics, and where researchers collaborate on the basis of shared research profiles.

ANA Futura

  • is a leading translational research laboratory
  • offers an attractive, recruitment-friendly environment for clinical research

  • offers a laboratory environment equipped for cutting-edge research
  • works actively to combine a research and training
  • offers flexibility and space-efficient laboratories to meet future needs
  • offers a research environment unhindered by boundaries between institutions and clinics, and where researchers collaborate based on shared research profiles
  • is strategically located on Campus Syd

State-of-the-art BSL3 laboratorium

Three growth chambers for work on air-borne infectious diseases. In addition, there are chambers for flow cytometry/cell sorting, confocal microscopy and cryostat (approx. 200sqm). Contact: Jonas Klingström, jonas.klingstrom@ki.se

MedH Flow cytometry CF
For work with risk class 2-classified micro-organisms. We have three chambers for flow cytometry, two for sorting. Contact. ContaCt.

Mass spectrometry
For work on identifying components or chemicals in biological tests.

Confocal microscopy
För arbete med att påvisa komponenter i levande celler.

Laboratory for method development, up-scaling and valuation ahead of GMP production. Contact: Gustaf Ahlén, gustaf.ahlen@ki.se

Laboratory for the irradiation of biological material for the entire Campus Flemingsberg.
Contact: Lars Frelin,, Lars.Frelin@ki.se

Karolinska Cell Therapy Center (KCC)

Manufacturing gene therapy vectors and cell therapies for clinical tests, the Karolinska Cell Therapy Center (KCC) is a core facility devoted to supporting the development of new treatments using advanced drug therapy (ATMP) and cells for transplant.

Vecura – manufacturing advanced therapy drugs at KCC
Vecura is a production unit within KCC for advanced therapy drugs and cells for transplant.

Jonassons Centre for Medical Imaging

The Centre’s overall aim is that healthcare, technology and research in the Stockholm region is world-leading in terms of medical imagery.

Centre for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CBB)

The Centre for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CBB) is a virtual centre located at the Karolinska Institutet’s (KI’s) Campus Flemingsberg. The centre offers expertise and scientific networking opportunities to the pre-clinical and clinical research environment.

SPOC for research infrastructure

A single point of contact (SPOC) service for questions related to research infrastructure. If you are a researcher within KI or Region Stockholm, you are welcome to contact us to learn more about available core facilities, tools and analytical methods or if you have questions about regulations and permits related to the use of research infrastructures.

Animal Behavior Core Facility (ABCF)

The Animal behavior core facility consists of two nodes, Node KM-B in Solna and Node PKL in Flemingsberg

Preclinical Laboratoratories (PKL), Karolinska sjukhuset, Huddinge

Live Cell Imaging Facility

The Live Cell Imaging Facility is a light microscopy facility. We offer state-of-the-art microscopes and training to image cell and tissues, live or fixed. The Live Cell Imaging facility is open to all researchers. Kontakt: LiveCellImaging@ki.se

Morphological Phenotype Analysis, Feno

The great surge in numbers of mutant mice has made efficient phenotyping a necessity in order to find and adequately describe the changes caused by the genetic manipulation. Pathology is a major and integral part of the phenotyping process.

With support from WCN, The Unit for Morphological Phenotype Analysis (FENO) was established as a competence and service facility for mouse pathology at KI in 2002, and as such specializing in the pathology of genetically engineered mice.

Center for high resolution electron microscopy – EM

The objective of the high resolution electron microscopy core facility is to provide a seamless facility for general EM, cryoEM and high resolution studies of biological specimens. The facility is being located in the Novum building, Flemingsberg.

BEA – the core facility for Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis

BEA – the core facility for Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis is a national genomic service facility located at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition in the new NEO building at the KI South Campus in Huddinge. BEA provides an extensive repertoire of genomic technologies to ongoing research projects principally at the Karolinska Institute but also at other Swedish universities. This includes services for genomic analysis based on the Illumina, Affymetrix, Agilent, and ABI platforms for sequencing, microarray analysis and qPCR. Our services are extensive and ranges from experimental planning to bioinformatic support. We are also offering services for RNA and DNA purification, nucleic acid quality control and different qPCR based assays.

Electron Microscopy Unit, EMIL

The Electron Microscopy Unit (EMil) at Karolinska University Hospital is a core facility that helps researchers solve biological issues with the help of electron microscopy techniques.

Karolinska Trial Alliance, KTA

Phase I clinical trials are an early stage of drug development. Karolinska Trial Alliance (KTA) is a clinical testing unit at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, supported by Stockholm County Council and Karolinska Institutet. Through specialization and exceptional knowledge, KTA contributes to improving process efficiency during clinical trials.

Translational Analysis in Molecular Medicine, TAMM (formerly MAF)

Translational Analysis in Molecular Medicine, TAMM (formerly MAF) at Karolinska University Hospital is an accredited laboratory that helps researchers to study millions of genetic variations to identify and evaluate how these affect different diseases processes.

uMOVE – a core facility for study of human movement

uMOVE offers support for planning, data collection and analysis with a variety of contemporary movement analysis systems – from lab-based measurements to monitoring daily activity and the impact of cognitive function and emotion on the control of movement.

Please contact Anna Beling (Research Assistant) on: +46 (0) 8 524 865 73, or David Conradsson (Facility Manager) on: +46 (0) 8 524 866 14.

KTH Makerspace

KTH Flemingsberg takes the students desire to develop more complete prototypes seriously, and will during 2019 create an ecosystem of facilities that offer its user state of the art tools to do so as well as space for knowledge sharing and social activities in a true Makerspace/hp-garage spirit. The Makerspace effort includes: 4 Software development studios, 2 Embedded development studios, 1 Crafting studio, 1 3D studio, 1 Brain storming studio, 1 Community area, 1 Social area.


TRACK brings together preclinical and clinical researchers to stimulate translational research in Huddinge. With proximity to universities, state-of-the-art service operations in imaging technology, genetics and cell therapy, there are unique conditions for knowledge exchange and faster implementation of research results.