Cluster Engine Flemingsberg – ERDF Project for Growth in Life Science

Flemingsberg, 2024-12-16

Flemingsberg is taking a significant step towards establishing itself as a central player in Life Science with the launch of the “Cluster Engine Life Science Flemingsberg” project. The project has been granted funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and aims to strengthen the growth and establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the life science sector in the Stockholm region. The total project budget is €10.8 million for the years 2025–2027.

The Stockholm region holds significant potential in life science, largely due to strong connections between industry and academia. The region serves as an important driver for innovation and growth in Sweden’s life science sector, where SMEs play a central role. To further enhance this position, the project aims to promote the growth and establishment of SMEs in the life science sector within the Stockholm region. By creating attractive networks, improving access to research infrastructure, and fostering sustainable collaboration, the project will contribute to the long-term development of the industry.

Growth and Innovation

The project, which will run from February 2025 to 2027, aims to strengthen growth and innovation in the Stockholm region’s life science sector. The initiatives include creating networking groups, organizing seminars and events, matching companies’ needs for research infrastructure with facilities in Flemingsberg, and collaborating with municipalities and regions to develop strategies that support SMEs and new business establishments. Additionally, the project will establish platforms for collaboration between companies in the field of sustainability, including circularity and resource sharing.

“It is incredibly gratifying that we have been awarded ERDF funding for this initiative. We have built a very strong foundation for the project with both public and private partners, which I know was a significant factor in our prioritization. Through this project, we gain a substantial boost in our work to create a truly strong environment for business and growth in life science, benefiting the entire Stockholm region. With an increasingly strong collaborative culture among stakeholders in Flemingsberg and a growing regional urban center, many essential components for success are already in place.” – Johnny Högberg, CEO of Flemingsberg Science Foundation

Leadership and Partners

The initiative is led by the Flemingsberg Science Foundation in collaboration with co-funders Huddinge Municipality, Botkyrka Municipality, Region Stockholm, and Hemsö, along with close partners Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm’s Life Science Office. With a shared vision and coordinated efforts, the project aims to make Flemingsberg one of Europe’s most attractive destinations for Life Science.

In summary, the project connects the strong resources within the Stockholm region’s life science sector with concrete measures to strengthen innovation and growth. Through the planned initiatives, the project lays the foundation for Flemingsberg to become a leading international cluster. This will create new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises, enhance the region’s competitiveness, and help position Sweden as a global player in life science. The result will be a sustainable and innovative environment that generates long-term benefits for industry, research, and society.

Published On: 16 December 2024
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